Known as InkedByJoanne, Joanne is a Permanent Makeup Specialist of the unique hand method microstroking technique for eyebrows. Joanne’s attention to detail and precise hairstrokes help her achieve some of the most realistic eyebrow tattoos in the world.
The Manuel method in micropigmentation has become very popular all around the world in the past few years. Joanne has been perfecting her microstroking technique (sometimes referred to as microblading, eyebrow embroidery, 3d brows, or feather brows). What sets her technique apart from conventional permanent makeup is the unique hand held tool that she uses to create fine, crisp, precise and extremely natural hair stroke.
For many of our busy customers, a visit to our INKED BY JOANNE is some of the only ‘me’ time they get. Our job is to not only perform
Our customers are the heart of our business and we make sure to treat them with the enthusiasm and appreciation they deserve
Not only do we hire only the most qualified technicians, but we also keep up with current trends and take the time to learn new skills.
We learn to expect the unexpected and take any surprises in stride. No matter the issue, we do what it takes to make things right for our customers
Our purpose is to help each customer feel like the amazing star they truly are. While we are only with them for an hour or less,
Not only do we hire only the most qualified technicians, but we also keep up with current trends and take the time to learn new skills.
Known as InkedByJoanne, Joanne is a Permanent Makeup Specialist of the unique hand method microstroking technique for eyebrows. Joanne’s attention to detail and precise hairstrokes help her achieve some of the most realistic eyebrow tattoos in the world.
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